Mom is Coming Home

We just got word today that mom can come home from Rehab tomorrow morning – a week earlier than we had expected. Needless to say, mom is thrilled at the prospects of being home again, and dad is quite excited also. I have to admit, I have mixed feelings. Honestly, it has been very nice having mom in a place where I knew that they were taking very good care of her. The food there is fantastic, the workers are extremely pleasant and friendly, and her care was wonderful. She has gained an incredible amount of muscle strength through her two-a-day physical therapy sessions, and they are fanatical about making sure that her food and fluids are exactly what she needs. Consequently mom is actually in better overall health now than she has been in the last two years. It has been nice for me to have them watching over her continuously to make sure that she does what she is supposed to and also to make sure that she doesn’t cheat on her diet or fluid restrictions. It has been wonderful to take...