Bar J Wranglers

Our family is great fans of the Bar J Wranglers . We have seen them perform many times in Jackson during the summer months. And we have caught them a few times as they travel during the winter. We own almost all of their CDs and DVDs. We love their incredible harmonies, their beautiful songs of the old west, the steel guitar, and especially their humor. We love the fact that they perform a family show that is enjoyable to all ages. A couple of years ago, when we had many, many trips to doctors appointments and hospitals, I loaned my mom and dad a couple of the Bar J CDs to listen to on the long car rides. As I suspected, they fell in love with the music. I knew that my parents would never be able to make the trip up to Jackson to see them, so when I saw a poster advertising a local concert, I jumped at the chance to take them. The Wranglers were fantastic, as always! Their easy-going bantering is so fun, and I love to hear them sing. But my favorite part is how friendly and personal t...