Grinch Party with the Olsens

We had a great time at our annual Olsen family Christmas party! Kim and I were in charge this year, and we chose to use "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" as the theme. We decorated by hanging tons of lights all over the gym and placed ornaments painted with Grinch faces down the centers of the tables. We played some really fun games: for the kids we had Pin the Heart on the Grinch and we had a coloring and craft table where some fine artwork was created. For the adults we Team Wrapped Presents, Placed Marshmallows in Boxes using only Chopsticks, Drew Profiles of our Neighbors , and played If and Then . Wrapping presents as a team. Drawing Our Neighbor Comparing Jared's butt to the one in the drawing Chopsticks and Marshmallow We asked everyone to come dressed as their favorite Whoville character, and we were pleased to see the creativity in all of the costumes! Our funny bones were tickled until our...