Galapagos Islands

Several months ago I was asked to plan something for the ladies in our ward, and I (with the help of several very creative people) came up with the idea of a "Get-Fit Trip" The rules were this: each of the sisters was to make an extra effort to be more active. They were to tally up each mile they went and report it to me each Sunday. Each mile walked, biked, or ran was counted mile for mile. For any other activity they did (lift weights, aerobics, swim, clean out the garage, etc) they got 1 mile for each 15 minutes. Each Sunday I would total up the miles traveled, and then report how far we had gone. At the end of the activity we would have a party celebrating the place where we arrived. I even had a blog where I posted information about places that we had "visited". Well, the end of the activity was supposed to be right around time for my finals, and I got called to be a primary teacher, so honestly, I kind of dropped the ball for the month of May and most of June....