Paying it Forward

Introduction: There is this awesome lady in our ward named Heidi who has had more than her share of spending time in the hospital lately with a son who broke his neck while skateboarding (he is a walking miracle!) and her husband with a torn Achilles tendon. Story: This week Heidi called me out of the blue and asked if there was anyway that she could come to my house and help me with any project that needed to be done. She remembered that I have been trying to organize and finish things from our remodeling. I was very surprised and when asked why she replied that she wanted to "pay it forward" for all of the help that she received while she was in the hospital. At first I was hesitant to let anyone help me, and then I remembered how prideful it is to refuse a sincere offer of help so I consented to let her help. She came over and we had a marvelous time cleaning out a closet chuck full of many miscellaneous items. She helped me sort through everything ...