Food For Thought Friday

Breakfast What did you do the night of your high school graduation? I spend the night at the All Night Party. It was so much fun! We had lots of food, music and entertainment. One of the best parts of the night was that I spent most of the night talking with a guy that I really liked at the time. Lunch What do you remember most about your high school graduation? I remember that the ceremony itself seemed really long and kind of boring. I was wearing a brand new dress under my cap and gown that my mom had made for me. And, I remember being disappointed that there really wasn't a diploma in the case! Dinner How did you feel about graduating? I had such mixed feelings. I was very eager to start my new job at the city swimming pool, and I was super excited to head off to Dixie College, but at the same time I was very, very sad. I loved high school, and I knew that there was a good chance that I would never see some of the people ever again. Midnight Snack What is one thing you would...