Blog Challenge #27: A problem/Friends

#27: A problem you have or have had in the past What kind of question is this? Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t have any trouble sharing my problems . . . and there are numerous posts where I have written about my problems. Honestly, today I do not want to start thinking about my problems – because once I start listing them, the list just seems to grown exponentially. Therefore, I have made an executive decision and I am going to address another subject. Who was your best friend growing up? My first best friend was Colleen Hirschi. We lived next door to her for first, second, and third grades. I always thought that it was so cool that our birthdays were only two days apart! It seemed to me that we played together every day. We loved to swing and climb on jungle gyms. One time we took our sisters (who were also the same ages) to a pond and caught a whole bunch of little, tiny frogs and then tried to sell them!...