June 2018

June was a busy month, but also very exciting! Shandra's friend and visiting teacher, Heather, is absolutely AMAZING! She decided that since Shandra got rid of all of her baby things she needed to have a baby shower. She literally planned, decorated, delivered invitations, and provided ALL of the yummy food for a huge shower! It was absolutely fantastic. Many people from our ward came as well as most of the family members. Even Cyn drove up! It was a roaring success with Shandra being "showered" with tons of gifts and a plethora of diapers. Hayden joined in the fun and was very excited with all of the goodies! Sunday, June 10 Today I have been feeling a little blah. A lot of it is because I realized that the bathroom was still going to be torn apart when Tasha and Zane come. It makes me sad, why does everything have to take so long? I was sincerely tempted to stay home from church today to work on it. But, I dec...