Saturday's Stake Women's Conference

Wow! What an incredible experience! Saturday our Stake sponsored a women’s conference in which the keynote speaker was artist Liz Lemon Swindle . She paints beautiful portraits. Her most recent work is a series of paintings of Jesus Christ entitled “The Son of Man”. She has been teaming with the music talents of composer Kenneth Cope and the literary talents of Susan Easton Black that has been ten years in the making. She shared how her testimony has grown as she has studied and learned more about the Savior. She showed us video clips of some of the work in progress and told us the stories of the creative process as well as the ins piration involved. She also brought several of her original paintings to display. They were so very amazing! I never realized how much difference there was between an original and a print. The colors were extremely vibrant. As I looked at each painting, I felt almost as if it were truly the Savior looking right at me from within the frame. Liz often paints t...