Carving Jamboree

Memorial Day weekend is just about my favorite weekend of the year. It is not because it is the day we honor our dead that are no longer with us as well as those who have lost their lives to fight for our freedoms - although honoring them is very important. No, the reason it is my favorite is because it is the "Wood Carving Jamboree"! Although I am not a wood carver, I LOVE this weekend because I join Kim and his brother David and travel to Idaho. The boys spend 3 full days carving with some of the best carvers in the nation - therefore they are very happy. I, on the other hand, am very happy because I get to spend 3 full days all alone doing whatever I feel like doing! I used to haul all of my scrapbooking paraphernalia with me and then spread paper, photos, stickers, etc all over the room. However the last few years have been extremely nice since I now do all of my scrappin ' on my laptop, so I don't have to carry so much stuff - only my computer bag. This...