November 2018

Tasha and Zane got to take a fun trip to New Orleans because Zane was presenting at a conference there. They spent several days there and then going to their house for only two days and then Zane was flying to Las Vegas to present at another conference. When we discovered that they had a layover in Salt Lake and that Tasha and Ish would be home alone while Zane was gone, Kim and I decided to "kidnap" them when they stopped in Salt Lake. It was a great surprise visit! I was even able to take a few days off work to spend with them. Poor Tasha, she hit her arm on the oven door while baking cookies and got a 2nd-degree burn. It was awfully sore and took several weeks to heal. My maternal/newborn class needed to practice pediatric assessments so Tasha brought Ish and Shandra brought Kalel and Kiaya down to be assessed. They were good sports and participated perfectly. The students all performed their assessments...