November 2018

Tasha and Zane got to take a fun trip to New Orleans because Zane was presenting at a conference there.  They spent several days there and then going to their house for only two days and then Zane was flying to Las Vegas to present at another conference.  When we discovered that they had a layover in Salt Lake and that Tasha and Ish would be home alone while Zane was gone, Kim and I decided to "kidnap" them when they stopped in Salt Lake.  It was a great surprise visit!  I was even able to take a few days off work to spend with them.

Poor Tasha, she hit her arm on the oven door while baking cookies and got a 2nd-degree burn.  It was awfully sore and took several weeks to heal.  

My maternal/newborn class needed to practice pediatric assessments so Tasha brought Ish and Shandra brought Kalel and Kiaya down to be assessed.  They were good sports and participated perfectly.  The students all performed their assessments wonderfully, and we had a great day.

One November day Tammy and I spent a great afternoon visiting with my high school friend, Gaylene, and her mother, Jeanine.  We had a wonderful visit.  In high school I practically lived at that house, and it was fantastic to rehash all of the fun memories we had together. 

The very first play I ever saw at the Hale Theatre was the Scarlet Pimpernel.  Cyn had invited me and I went without any knowledge of the play or the story.  Needless to say, it was an incredible production and I absolutely LOVED the play.  I have been waiting forever for it to come back again.  When Cyn got the 2018 schedule last year and saw the Scarlet Pimpernel, she knew that I would go for sure!  I had been looking so forward to seeing it again that I was a bit worried that it wouldn't be as good.  I shouldn't have worried, it was FANTASTIC!  I really love going to plays, especially musicals.  It is so nice that I have good friends that keep me posted and join me in the fun!

Thanksgiving this year was spent with the Olsens.  We celebrated the day at our church.  We decided that we wanted the feast to be more cozy than spread out in the gym, so we arranged several round tables in the Primary room with long serving tables at the end.  We purchased some small, inexpensive centerpieces and Barb brought some other nice decorations.  It turned out to be a very nice day.  A lot of times I don't like the coldness and the lack of close contact when we are in the gym, and this felt much more comfortable.  The food was yummy, of course, and all of the kids had a marvelous time rehersing and performing skits for the adults.  We sat around for a while talking and playing games.  It was such a good day.

On Saturday Ashley and I planned a date with our guys to see the Nutcracker ballet.  Neither of us had ever seen it before and we wanted to.  I knew that Kim would go without too much coercion, but we weren't too sure about Mark.  We decided that we would have Mark and Kim sit together and maybe he wouldn't be so miserable.  It didn't work.  He was very gracious about it, but he really hated the whole thing.  On the other hand, Kim said that he quite liked it!  Ashley and I both loved it and we want to make it an annual tradition.  The production we saw was put on by young ballet students and not a professional troupe, but it still was very good.  It was a great way to start off the holiday season.


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