A Walk With Christ

My friend, Marilyn, is immensely talented, creative, as well as a spiritual giant! She wrote a presentation called "A Walk With Christ" especially for our Young Women at girl's camp . I was so impressed with the presentation that I tattled to our Relief Society President and suggested that the sisters in our ward would benefit from the presentation. She agreed, and last night we again had the privilege of learning about the Savior by way of Marilyn's presentation. Because I was so moved and touched by the experience, I would like to share some of it (disclaimer: my words do no justice to the actual words from the script - both Marilyn's and those from the prophets and scriptures that were quoted). As part of the program, we heard the recorded words of Christ moving through the hallways of the building. We felt a desire to listen and follow His voice as we were lead to different rooms where we "met" people who had a direct association with Jesus during Hi...