Catching Up - Pumpkins & Halloween

Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins! We love pumpkins! Our family (lead by Kim of course) really gets into pumpkin carving! Everyone at our house is expected to carve a pumpkin! And, not just a simple Jack-O-Lantern, oh no! Each must be a work of art! Many years ago Kim discovered special tools for carving the "perfect" pumpkin, and then went so far as to make custom tools of his own. We usually use pre-made patterns for our creations, but Kim often creates his own patterns. It is amazing how good everyone is getting at this art! Each year the girls choose more and more difficult patterns. But, no matter how good any of us get, Kim can carve even more challenging projects, AND, he can do two in the time that it takes us to do one! He is truly the MASTER CARVER! Bubba's pumpkin. Tasha's pumpkin Audrey's Pumpkin Shandra's Pumpkin Kim's Pumpkin (Kim was only able to do one this year because he worked late and got a late start!) Bubba usually spends Hallowee...