Meet Bubba's Horses
Last Christmas a friend gave Bubba some horses. He was absolutely thrilled with them, and still plays with them almost every day. Right from the onset he was insistent that they each had names. The first time he asked me their names, I naively thought that he would promptly forget their names, and so I just threw out the first names that I could think of. . .


Silly me! Bubba was very serious about their names, and has never forgotten them. Consequently we have been a little more careful of the names we have given each additional horse!

This one is "Shadow"

This one's name is "Maple", but Bubba calls him "Naple"

He is so funny, if we try to trip him up by saying the wrong name for one, he sternly gives us the "evil eye", shakes his finger at us, and then corrects us, "no, that's not _____ it is ______!
Recently he has realized that we are playing a game with him by calling each horse by the incorrect name, and now he tries to trick us by calling one by the wrong name and insisting that we correct him!
He also has two "ride on" horses that the named himself. This first one is "Fru-Fru" named after the white horse in the movie the "Aristocats"

This one is "Brownie" obviously because of his brown color!
