November 2019

Unitek Conference On the 1st of November Unitek (the company that owns my school) sponsored a one-day convention centered around the theme of "Infusing Caring into Teaching and Learning". The Keynote speaker was Dr. Jean Watson who is quite famous in nursing education circles. She is known for her Caring Theory which encourages nurses (and educators) to really care for their patients (students) as well as themselves. I really like her principles. As I was listening I was thinking how her principles go with my goal for the year, to focus on being kind, and how it links so closely with Christ's admonition to "love one another". If we all focused on these principles, the world would be such a better place! I'll admit, I have been so busy lately that I haven't focused as much as I should on being kind - I'm glad that I had an opportunity to be reminded. My co-workers & Jean Watson Jamie, Randy, Amber, Jean, Audrey, & Andy Aunt Lona...