July 2020

COVID-19 cases going up in much of the nation. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints Utah area presidency counseled all church members to wear masks. The Utah state governor has stated that if schools open in the fall, all students and staff should wear masks (I wonder how they are going to keep masks on the kindergarteners...) It is amazing to listen to people complain about wearing masks. They are complaining that it is a health hazard, which makes me wonder (with tongue in cheek) how surgeons and other medical personnel have survived so long since they were masks every day? Many people are totally ignoring the counsel and are refusing to wear masks or wearing them incorrectly so their nose and sometimes mouth are uncovered. Many people are refusing to social distance and acting as if there is no virus at all. My family has chosen to follow the advice of our church leaders, so we wear masks anytime we are out of the house. The...