Food 4 Thought Friday

A little feast without the calories!! Please visit Jodi's blog! She posts these for us. Feel free to play along for some yummy fun! She will post a new one each Thursday night. JOIN IN!!! Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions: Breakfast ~ What is your life quote? Lunch ~ What is your favorite thing to do on a date? I certainly don’t mind a good movie and dinner, but I’ll have to say that my favorite dates have been mini-golfing. Dinner ~ What do you eat for dinner most frequently? Well….If I have to be honest, I will have to say that I eat a bowl of cereal more than anything else – but in my defense it is because I am usually home alone and it is quick and easy. Midnight Snack ~ If your life were a newspaper what would the top story be this week? Sadness and Hard Times Abound, Yet Much Goodness is Found Recipe for the Week ~ (instead of your recipe ...