May Memories

The beginning of May also marked the beginning of a new semester. I am teaching a new class this semester called "Capstone". It is the last class that the students will have before graduation and it includes a 90 hour practicum that the students have to do. I'm excited to teach this class, but there are no firm guidelines so I don't know exactly what I am doing. I have been working with Carrie at the Murray campus who has taught this class a couple of times, thank goodness she is willing to share her ideas!. Friday May 4 I worked very late trying to get ready for school Monday. When I finally got home Kim decided to take me out to dinner - Hooray - Date Night! We decided to try dinner at the Brigham House, a new restaurant in town. As we were entering we ran into Coach Robinette and his wife Chris. He cautioned Kim not to order the Brigham House Burger because it was huge. I believe it then became a challenge for Kim! As we entered we...