October Challenge Day #5-- What are some of your favorite memories with your grandparents?

Unfortunately I do not have memories of my Grandpa Duerden, he died when my father was only 14 years old. In fact, I have searched high and low for a picture of him, and the only one available from any of the relatives is this picture of him with my Grandma Duerden (we called her Grandma Hazel) and her sisters. A few years after he died my Grandma married George Appedaile. Grandma Hazel died when I was 9 years old, and Grandpa George married another lady and we lost contact with him. I only have a few memories of Grandma Hazel, whenever we would stay at her house she would have us kneel by the side of our chairs to say the blessing on the food. Also, she would always put raw sugar in our cereal, I LOVED the raw sugar. It made everything taste wonderful! Grandma Hazel owned a grocery store across the street from their home and I remember getting to go to the store and get blue popsicles, at the time I hadn't ...