October Challenge: Day #1-- How do you feel about aging?

You know you're getting old when...
First of all, I’m pretty sure that I am NOT aging!  At least not in my mind.  In my mind I see myself as about 29 years old, still ready to grab life by the horns and have a great time doing it.  However, that said, I believe that my body is in total disagreement with that.  Each time that I see my reflection in the mirror or view a picture of myself I stare in unbelief at the face staring back at me.  How did that old lady get inside my body? 
A few of the acts of treason that old lady in my body is doing:
  • Attacking my muscles and joints so that movement is difficult.  Even getting out of bed in the morning requires multiple groans and stretches before movement is no longer painful.
  • This is brilliant. : )
  • Adding layers of adipose tissue (lay people call it “fat”) to my abdomen, thighs, and hips and refusing to let go.  In addition, she has caused my muscles to atrophy to the point where skin on areas such as the underarms hangs loosely and jiggles whenever my arm moves (some in jest call this condition “relief society arms”).
  • You don't stop laughing because you grow old, You grow old because you stop laughing.
  • Attacking the inner workings of my body so that it doesn't function well without the aid of multiple medications each day.
  • Stealing precious brain cells required to remember important items such as where I put my keys, my children’s birthdays, where I parked my car, the reason why I entered a room, and even my husband’s name!

 Isn't this the truth!
So, the answer to the question, “How do you feel about aging?” is a solid and emphatic I DON’T LIKE IT!  Honestly, after watching my parents and helping them through multiple medical conditions consistent with aging, I thing aging stinks!  I hate that elderly people are frequently unable to care for themselves and they have their pride and their dignity stripped from them.  I hate that many times the wisdom that they would share is lost as they forget how to even accomplish simple tasks.  I hate that often times they have to live a sad and lonely life, sometimes with only strangers to take care of them.  Thieves target them and take advantage of them. 
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Like the quote says, 
Growing Old is not for Sissies


Jodi said…
I love this so much better than mine! I have to say I agree with every single word! And quite frankly you are right...aging sucks!

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