Reminiscing with Great Friends

This week I was fortunate to have not one - but two opportunities to get together with great friends I haven't seen for awhile. Kale, Brynanne and I met a Jeramiah's for lunch. It never ceases to amaze me how strong my emotions are towards Kale and Brynanne. No matter where life takes us, we will always have a strong bond which was formed in nursing school. Kale was wounded again - another basketball injury - so he has been doing office work while he recovers. He has also started back to school to get his BSN. Brynanne has been able to scale her work to part-time which is nice for her to spend more time with her cute kiddos. We laughed and visited and thoroughly enjoyed our lunch together. Later in the week Jody made dinner for Marlene and I. It is crazy to think how much time we spent together playing volleyball over the years. Those were really good times. I miss the camaraderie we developed with our team as well as all of th...