Teaching a Relief Society Class

This past week I had the opportunity to teach a class in Relief Society entitled "How to Remember Your Loved Ones in Heaven During the Holidays". I always feel both humbled and honored when I am asked to speak. I try hard to speak the things that I feel the Lord would have me say - and I'm not going to lie, it makes me feel really good when people come up and compliment me when I am finished. (I probably shouldn't rely so much on the compliments of others, but I do enjoy them!) Jodi was kind enough to take this picture! Despite how it looks, there were many ladies in attendance, there was just no one sitting on the front row. I think that this topic could have been a very difficult one, but for some reason I never felt stressed or nervous about it. I started out talking about grief in general and why it is important that we feel grief. I shared a wonderful statement from Elder Lance B. Wickman who said, "Grief is the natural by-product of love....