May 2019 - Planes and Hotels and Cars - OH MY!

San Diego (Flight #1) What is more fun than a GIRL'S TRIP? Cyn, April, Tammy, and I decided that we needed a get-a-way to sunny San Diego - Bonus! I got to visit with Tasha and fam. April needed one more day to work, so Cyn, Tammy, and I headed out early Tuesday morning. Of course, we were running a little late, and then we hit traffic almost all of the way there. We were so nervous that we were going to miss the flight that we almost ran into the airport. Luckily we made it on time, but waiting in line at security was tortuous. Finally, we got to the front and then we were notified that we actually had TSA precheck tickets so we could have skipped the line! Oh bother! I thought I had checked before we got in line, but I missed the little notice on our boarding passes, probably because I was so stressed about getting there on time. We flew Southwest and felt very fortunate to get seats all together because the flight was very ful...