Week In Review 5/8/16

This week marks the start of a new semester. This semester I am teaching two courses, but three classes: Pharm 2 at the Murray campus on Mondays, Pharm 2 at the Layton campus on Tuesdays, and Fundamentals at the Layton campus on Wednesdays. It should be an interesting semester with 3 different classes and groups of people. I'm excited! We usually have a "Boot Camp" for the incoming fundamental students. These students have been taking general classes but have not actually taken any nursing classes. At the Boot Camp the students spend a day downloading all of the nursing e-textbooks and software, learning basic navigation of the software, get vouchers for scrubs and also go over all of the expectations for class, labs, and clinicals. It is usually a very fun and productive day and all of the faculty members participate. However, due to some scheduling conflicts the Boot Camp for the Layton students fell on Tuesday of this week. All ...