27 Things About Kim and I

Kim and I just celebrated our 27th Anniversary, so I thought it would be appropriate to list 27 things that you may or may not know about us! 1- The first time I met Kim I knew that I would marry him, however it took Kim several months to decide that he wanted to marry me! 2- The colors for our wedding were pink and “go-go grape”. 3- We spent our honeymoon in a cabin in Eden. We had to snowshoe in! 4- When our children were young they thought that it was normal to spend every evening playing with other kids at various ball diamonds, since between Kim and I we played softball 5-6 nights a week. 5- We have celebrated our anniversary every year by going somewhere overnight together (except for our very first anniversary because BJ was just 2 weeks old!) 6- We both love volleyball - watching, playing, and officiating. 7- Our favorite place to vacation is Jackson Hole, Wyoming. 8- Kim is extremely into pumpkin carving and has gotten me hooked too! However, I will never be as fast no...