December 2020

Condo Time: Tasha, Zane, and Isaac came up to join Kim and me and the Jensens for an early Christmas at the condo at Wolf Creek. We had such a great time. Grandpa Bobble hung lights and decorations all around so it felt all Christmasy. Little Miss and Isaac had SO much fun playing together!!! We followed tradition and watched all three of the "Librarian" movies and played tons of fun games. We laughed and laughed! Zane amazed us all with his ability to beat us at Nertz while playing as slow as a sloth! Cousins Dance Party! Shandra stitches: Shandra was going down her stairs when she slipped and fell against the wooden rail covering the half wall. She was talented enough to hit at the exact place at the end of the rail that had a sharp point, and she sliced her forearm deep enough that she needed three stitches. I drove her to see the doctor, who, when she told him that she was a surgery tech, told her that he would ...