December 2020
Condo Time: Tasha, Zane, and Isaac came up to join Kim and me and the Jensens for an early Christmas at the condo at Wolf Creek. We had such a great time. Grandpa Bobble hung lights and decorations all around so it felt all Christmasy. Little Miss and Isaac had SO much fun playing together!!! We followed tradition and watched all three of the "Librarian" movies and played tons of fun games. We laughed and laughed! Zane amazed us all with his ability to beat us at Nertz while playing as slow as a sloth!
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Cousins Dance Party! |
Shandra stitches: Shandra was going down her stairs when she slipped and fell against the wooden rail covering the half wall. She was talented enough to hit at the exact place at the end of the rail that had a sharp point, and she sliced her forearm deep enough that she needed three stitches. I drove her to see the doctor, who, when she told him that she was a surgery tech, told her that he would teach her how to put the stitches in herself! Shandra was thrilled at the idea (weird, I know) but found that she would have to do it left-handed and in an awkward position, so she declined. However, she watched every step of the process.
Kalel quarantine (again): Poor Kalel. We found out that Kalel's dad and family all came down with the Coronavirus right after he was with them, so he had to come home and quarantine for another two weeks! Fortunately, he did not get the disease. So far we have been blessed to have avoided infection. I have heard that it is very nasty!
Excellence Award at work: I was totally surprised at our Town Hall meeting this month when they announced my name as receiving an Award of Excellence! This award apparently equates to Employee of the Year and is for both the Layton and Murray campuses. I'm not exactly sure what I did to deserve the award other than just working hard like I always do, but I m so very honored to have received it.
No more Mom/Baby: Speaking of work, they have decided to give me a new title. My title is now "NCLEX Support Specialist". My main responsibilities are now teaching the last two nursing classes in order to prepare the students to take the NCLEX. Also, I am to spend hours tutoring, following up, attending meetings, and everything else relating to NCLEX. In order to do that, they have taken my Maternal/Newborn/Pediatric class away from me. I will admit, I am very sad about that because I loved teaching about women's health. However, I am thrilled for the opportunity to focus on helping students be successful in passing the NCLEX. I will be working hand-in-hand with Carrie at the Murray campus and Celeste and Mary at the Provo campus. I love our weekly meetings where we help each other with ideas to help the students.
Best Friends:
Ward Christmas Party: Because of the COVID pandemic, we had a drive-through Christmas party. Several peopled volunteered to sing carols as the cars arrived, Santa (with a mask) welcomed each car with candy canes, and then the occupants were given "to go" boxes of yummy food to take home and eat. I think it was a fun way to make the best of a difficult situation.
Another Mother's Cookies: Tasha's cookie creations are absolutely amazing! She is having to turn down orders because she is so busy!
Christmas Eve with the Duerden Family: The family Christmas party was held at Ashley's house this year. I was in charge of games and we chose one of my favorites, drawing a Christmas scene on a paper plate on the head. It always brings rounds of laughter. Roxane surprised each of the sisters with a beautiful hand-made quilt! She has such talent, and we all were overwhelmed to receive her gift!
Christmas: It was a little strange but nice this year to just have our small little Christmas with just Kim and me and the Jensens. Of course Christmas is always better with a toddler in the house who is so excited about everything. We really missed our traditional visit to Grandma Olsen's house for breakfast. Kalel's dad was very generous and brought several gifts for Kiaya. Kalel actually got two bikes - one at his dad's and one at our house!
Of course we had to visit "Joey" and "Kell" and Krissyann". The Woodlands are such an important part of Little Miss's world and we are so grateful for them.
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Christmas Morning at "Joey's" |