A Walk With Christ
My friend, Marilyn, is immensely talented, creative, as well as a spiritual giant! She wrote a presentation called "A Walk With Christ" especially for our Young Women at girl's camp
. I was so impressed with the presentation that I tattled to our Relief Society President and suggested that the sisters in our ward would benefit from the presentation. She agreed, and last night we again had the privilege of learning about the Savior by way of Marilyn's presentation. Because I was so moved and touched by the experience, I would like to share some of it (disclaimer: my words do no justice to the actual words from the script - both Marilyn's and those from the prophets and scriptures that were quoted).

As part of the program, we heard the recorded words of Christ moving through the hallways of the building. We felt a desire to listen and follow His voice as we were lead to different rooms where we "met" people who had a direct association with Jesus during His life.

In the first room we met Mary, His mother. She described the feelings and emotions that she had as she was told that she was to be the mother of the Son of God. (I actually didn't get to see this part as I was involved in the next room).
In the secon
d room we found one of the learned men who had been in the temple and was
taught by Jesus when he was just 12 years old. He was met by his wife who had heard the people talking about the wise child, how He knew more than even the rabbis who had studied for many years, and how it seemed as if he had been taught by God Himself. We also learned that when his parents left Jerusalem, he remained behind. When asked why he answered, "How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?" Of course, he meant his Heavenly Father. We learned from this experience about the importance of learning, studying, and teaching the Word of God from the scriptures.

In the
next room we met the woman at the well, the woman who was taken in adultery, and
the woman who was healed by just touching the Savior's robe because she had so much faith. These women met and compared notes of their feelings when they had met Jesus. Each expressed an overwhelming sense of love and compassion from Him. Even though their situations were all different, they each knew that He loved them, regardless who they were.

The sisters Mary and Martha were next. They talked of the miracle of Lazarus who was raised from the dead. They talked of the time when Martha trying to be a good hostess while her sister was listening to the teachings of Jesus. When she expressed her frustration she was gently reminded that "Mary hath chosen that good part". They both expressed their love for Jesus and for each other.
One of my very favorite parts of the program was in the room where we met the servant
who had been with Jesus and the apostles at the Last Supper. She expressed awe at
the one who was obviously the Master as he took a cloth and bowl and carefully washed the dust off the feet of the apostles. She stated that as she watched she saw indescribable love in the eyes of Jesus as he served each one, even the one that He knew would soon betray Him. After we listened to her words she played a song entitled, "God Created Us". As I listened to the words of this beautiful song and looked around at the circle of wonderful ladies in the room who I count as my friends, I could not stop the tears from running down my face.

'Cause God created us
To be there for each other
To comfort one another
As we're walking through
the world
And God created us to be the hands of Jesus
There when someone needs us to give His love
That's why God created us.
I have been served by so many people, most of whom were in that room. What a blessing to have Christ's example.
To be there for each other
To comfort one another
As we're walking through
the world
And God created us to be the hands of Jesus
There when someone needs us to give His love
That's why God created us.
I have been served by so many people, most of whom were in that room. What a blessing to have Christ's example.

We next heard from three angels who told us about the suffering and sacrifice that Christ willingly went through in our behalf. We were reminded that even though He suffered intense pain while hanging on the cross, the anguish he experienced while in Gethsemane was much worse. It was something that He alone could do, He who was without sin took upon Himself every sin and infirmity of each and every mortal being. He did it for me!
As they were finished, one of the angels started singing,
I stand all amazed at the love
Jesus offers me,
Confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me.
I tremble to know that for me he was crucified,
That for me, a sinner,
he suffered, he bled, and died.
Our final journey led us to a room where we met Mary Magdalene. She expressed her pa
in and anguish when she went to the tomb and found that Jesus was not there! And then, her joy when she heard Him say, "Mary". She bore her testimony to all of us that Jesus does yet live. He visited and taught them after He had died. They felt the wounds of His hands and side. They heard His words as He taught them how to conduct the church in His absence. She told us that even though we may not see Him, we can know that He is here, we can feel Him with us.

It was a beautiful evening. I felt that I learned more about my Savior and that He became m
ore "real" to me. I was able to feel His love in His words, in His example, in His sacrifice, and also in the light that I see in the sisters in our ward. I feel that we have shared something special that will bind us together as friends and as sisters in the gospel. How blessed we are!
My heart is overflowing with gratitude.

My heart is overflowing with gratitude.