Week in Review July10, 2016

Our Independence Day was very low-key this year. We packed up our campsite and arrived home before noon. My car was filthy so I hurried and washed it. I haven't washed a car by hand for years, it was actually quite enjoyable tolerable. And it felt good to get all of that dirt off of it. I then headed right for the shower and then literally fell in bed for a good long nap. Kim stayed and helped Mark take and dump the trailer. I told Ash to call me when she was ready to clean it and I would help. She didn't call and I fell asleep. I guess she didn't wait for me and cleaned it herself and then she fell into a coma-like sleep - 4 1/2 hour nap! Robin said that she did the same thing. Camping is hard on people! After naps Kim and I just were lazy all the rest of the day. Sitting in the cool, air conditioned house felt so good that we absolutely did nothing constructive. Kim watched some tv (his favorite s...