January 2018

I usually feel a great let down after the holidays when all the world reverts back to the same-old routine of daily living. It seems that we have a grand whirlwind of friends, family, fun, and free time that screeches to a halt suddenly with the beginning of the new year. This year was no exception, although I didn't seem to notice as much as I jumped back into the grind with a major exam looming over me. My employer strongly encouraged all of the faculty to take the C.N.E. (Certified Nurse Educator) exam. I scheduled my test the end of January. I studied, and studied, and studied! Every spare minute this month was spent in my office studying like crazy. ~ Side note: during the last few months I have been seriously considering continuing my education to obtain a doctorate degree. When you are working in the collegiate world of education there is some pressure to obtain that degree. I had even started the application process...