San Diego Part 2

Saturday afternoon Ashley, Mark, and Tristan joined us. They had a room just down the hall from us and Kalel and Tristan were constantly running back and forth between rooms. They were pretty much inseparable during the next 5 days! There was a really nice grill on the patio just outside the condo so we cooked up some burgers. Vanna White demonstrating the perfect burgers The "Griller" superhero chasing the boy villains with his mighty spatula. Doing arm push-ups on the fountain We had such fun each night playing fun games. Our favorite: We laughed and laughed and laughed! Ashley is so funny! Every time she would match someone she would say, "ooo, ooo, ooo" and spread her arms wide while she tried to come up with an answer. Then she would start waving her arms as she described the item she was trying to name. Of course this caused her opponent to immediately lose all ability to think, so Ashley would win ...