March 2020

I have been eagerly anticipating the beginning of March because that means spring is on its way and the doom and gloom of January and February would be over. On the first day of March, we got snow and I joyfully quoted the old adage, "March comes in like a lion and will go out like a lamb" as I dealt with the snow and didn't even complain. Sadly my joy was short-lived. Joan rallied a little in the hospital, but then she started declining. After many consultations between family, nurses, and the doctor, Joan made the decision to come home from the hospital on hospice. They discontinued all of her medications except for morphine and lorazepam. Her double bed was moved out of her bedroom and a hospital bed was brought in. Taylor is a paramedic/firefighter in Utah Valley. He talked with his Captain who said, "Firefighters take care of their own" and gave Taylor permission to drive the ambulance here to the local hospital (about a two hour drive) to tr...