It's Official!

Well, I finally got my letter from Eagle Gate College – I have been accepted into the nursing program! WooHoo!!! I have been waiting for this moment for a long time, and now that it is here I have very mixed emotions. On the positive side: Obviously I am thrilled to be accepted! It is so nice to finally know for sure which direction I will be heading. I truly am excited to start studying things directly related to my career choice. I am now on the path that will eventually have an end. I will be achieving a goal that I set many, many years ago. Once again the way has been opened up in a way that confirms that this is what I am supposed to be doing. On the negative side It is going to take an enormous amount of work, homework, studies, hands-on practicals. It is going to require an enormous amount of time, money, and sacrifices for not only me but for my entire family. What if I don’t have the stamina to see it through? What is going to happen with the job I have n...