This Post is Brought to You by the Letter "P"

My friend, Jodi , is playing a letter game. She assigned me the letter . I am supposed to list 10 things that I like that start with the letter P. So, here goes (in no particular order): Playing games I love to get to get together with anyone and everyone to play games. I love to play card games, board games, thinking games, word games, trivia games, and I love to play volleyball, and softball. I am looking forward to playing games with my family tonight in honor of BJ's birthday! People Being a very social person who likes to play so much, it is a good thing that I like people! I love the people in my ward, my people friends (as opposed to the other kind), the people I work with, and the people who are patients at my office. Dr. Pepper This better count as a P word, because it is my very favorite drink! (I believe the advertisements, if I continue drinking Dr. Pepper, I will one day look just like this model!) Piano I don't play well, but I enjoy playing the piano and having ...