This Post is Brought to You by the Letter "P"
My friend, Jodi, is playing a letter game. She assigned me the letter

I am supposed to list 10 things that I like that start with the
letter P.
Playing games
I love to get to get together with anyone and everyone to play games. I love to play card games, board games, thinking games, word games, trivia games, and I love to play volleyball, and softball. I am looking forward to playing games with my family tonight in honor of BJ's birthday!
Being a very social person who likes to play so much, it is a good thing that I like people! I love the people in my ward, my people friends (as opposed to the other kind), the people I work with, and the people who are patients at my office.
Dr. Pepper
This better count as a P word, because it is my very favorite drink! (I believe the advertisements, if I continue drinking Dr. Pepper, I will one day look just like this model!)
I don't play well, but I enjoy playing the piano and having my girls sing. Thank goodness, the girls are so talented that they can sing around all of my mistakes! In fact I spent most of the morning today playing songs from my new book, "The Ultimate LDS Songbook". It has lots of songs from artists like Michael McLean, Kenneth Cope, Hillary Weeks, and Jenny Phillips.
In this world with so many tough things as well as so many great things I am so grateful for the opportunity to talk to Heavenly Father.
What greater thing is there than the opportunity to be a parent? I have been blessed with three terrific kids, BJ, Shandra, and Tasha. Together we have had many ups and downs, but overall the memories we create together are my favorite things!
Clean little baby piggies.
MMMM, fresh peas picked out of the garden! I eat them until my fingers turn green!
I just love baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, au gratin potatoes, funeral potatoes, need I say more! Of course, my favorite potato is my couch potato!
(duh) One does not achieve the title, "Scrapbook Queen" without having a love for pictures! It is a rare moment when I do not have my camera with me. It is almost like an extra appendage!
Here is a list of things that begin with the letter P that I DON'T like!
Pumpkin Pie, pimples, prison, poopy diapers, pouting, pickled pigs feet, paying bills.
If you want to play (and you DO!) --- let me know and I will assign you a letter!