Time Out For Women (Part 1)

What a weekend! I had opportunity to go to Deseret Book's Time Out For Women. In the past I had seen this advertised and noticed that there seemed to always be great speakers involved, but it was usually held in cities much too far for me to go. Consequently, when I saw that they were holding one just 30 minutes from my home, I literally jumped at the chance to go! I suspected that the event would be similar to a "mini" Women's Conference, and I was right. However, in some ways it was much better. It was not crowded and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

Marilyn, Jodi, Julie and I went together. We went out to eat at Hug Hes before the event. I felt like having pasta, so I ordered Chicken Alfredo - sounds normal enough, right? No! The plate of Alfredo was enormous! In addition it came with a large bowl of the most yummy cream of chicken soup and another plateful of pasta! I took most of it home and was able to eat two more meals! We certainly got our money's worth there!

Marilyn, Jodi, Julie and I went together. We went out to eat at Hug Hes before the event. I felt like having pasta, so I ordered Chicken Alfredo - sounds normal enough, right? No! The plate of Alfredo was enormous! In addition it came with a large bowl of the most yummy cream of chicken soup and another plateful of pasta! I took most of it home and was able to eat two more meals! We certainly got our money's worth there!
We ended up getting fantastic seats at the conference! Right up front in a place that had tons of leg room and even a bar to rest our feet on. We were able to just kick back and relax. And that is really the best part about "Time Out For Women" it is all about taking time out from our busy lives just to relax, laugh, enjoy, and fill our spiritual and emotional pitchers.

We knew that the evening was going to be fantastic when Kenneth Cope came on stage and started to sing. Kenneth is an incredible songwriter as well as performer.

We knew that the evening was going to be fantastic when Kenneth Cope came on stage and started to sing. Kenneth is an incredible songwriter as well as performer.

Brad Wilcox
After the Wilcox's spoke, we were pleased to be able to hear from Michael McLean. I had first heard Michael McLean at a small convention back in about 1995 and I fell in love with his music. I have heard him several times since, mostly at Women's Conference, and also I have attended Forgotten Carols several times. Michael has an uncanny ability to tune into the feelings of women and put into music words that are truly inspiring. The first song he sang was a wonderful tune entitled, "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired". He was amazing! Had a funky guitar that was hollow. As he sang we would jump around just like a kid! And when he moved to the piano we all were in awe of his ability to sing, play incredible music, and kick his left leg around all at the same time!
Michael McLean
After Michael performed we had a short break. We were laughing and taking pictures amongst ourselves when all of the sudden we realized that Michael McLean was coming over to talk to the four of us! WOW! How lucky are we? He asked us how we were enjoying the presentations, and of course we grabbed the first person we could to get pictures! He is so nice! He seemed genuinely interested in what we had to say.
We then noticed that Kenneth Cope was right in front of us, so we ran over and got pictures with him also! He is incredibly friendly!

Brad Wilcox is a hugger, so when Julie went to talk to him, he immediately grabbed her for a hug!

After the break we had the great privilege of hearing from Chris Stewart. He is the author of the "Great and the Terrible" series. He spoke of the many miracles in the history of America and reminded us that even though times may tough right now and many are saying it is the worst of times, it really in many ways is the best time to live. He reminded us that people have been waiting for over 7000 years for this time and that the Church of God will never be taken off the earth again! He told us about night vision glasses, that if it is absolutely dark, not even one speck of light, then night vision glasses will not be of any use. However if there is even one spark of light, the glasses will take that tiny bit of light and magnify it to the point that you can see as if it were daylight. He said that we can be that light with our faith and our prayers, and the Lord can magnify that light just like the night vision glasses can.
My favorite part of Chris' presentation was when he reminded us that if God had provided miracles in the foundation of our country, and he listed several of those miracles, He certainly would provide miracles to preserve this country, for it is the promised land. Satan doesn't want us to believe that miracles are occurring every day. He wants us to be discouraged and doubtful. Chris told us that when we stop all of the clutter and listen to what God is trying to say we will find that God is CRAZY about you and me. He just loves us. I could have listened to him speak all night!
After Chris spoke we had the great privilege to listen to Michael McLean again. He reminded us through words and songs that we are special, each one of us is unique and we should enjoy our individual wonderfulness. He sang a song about a woman who could have been anyone of us who struggles to get everything done each day but yet still feels that she doesn't do enough. He also sang a song called "The Ninety and Nine" about how each of us are important to God and that sometimes do not seem to be recognized for just following the rules. We all know the story of the prodigal son and some may feel that his reward for coming back is more important than if he would have just stayed faithful. This song is about those who continually do good. I just love listening to Michael McLean's songs!
After the presentations were finished for the evening, we had an opportunity to mingle with all of the presenters. It was so interesting to see them up close and personal. And each one of them were so gracious and kind. They each seemed interested in talking with every lady who wanted to talk with them. They asked questions, they asked names, they gave hugs. It truly was an incredible experience.
I was going to continue writing about the 2nd day, but decided that I better break it up in two parts! So, stay tuned for part 2.
It was so wonderful and I am SO glad you invited me! Now I can't wait to go again! I really needed it. My head is still spinning with so much info!
Thanks for posting. I love reading all about it. It makes me want Womens conference to hurry up and get here.
Have a good day!