27 Things About Kim and I
Kim and I just celebrated our 27th Anniversary, so I thought it would be appropriate to list 27 things that you may or may not know about us!
1- The first time I met Kim I knew that I would marry him, however it took Kim several months to decide that he wanted to marry me!

2- The colors for our wedding were pink and “go-go grape”.

3- We spent our honeymoon in a cabin in Eden. We had to snowshoe in!

4- When our children were young they thought that it was normal to spend every evening playing with other kids at various ball diamonds, since between Kim and I we played softball 5-6 nights a week.

5- We have celebrated our anniversary every year by going somewhere overnight together (except for our very first anniversary because BJ was just 2 weeks old!)

27- Kim and I are best friends. We love spending time together, even if we are not doing anything. I love that he is so goofy and makes me laugh.
1- The first time I met Kim I knew that I would marry him, however it took Kim several months to decide that he wanted to marry me!

2- The colors for our wedding were pink and “go-go grape”.

3- We spent our honeymoon in a cabin in Eden. We had to snowshoe in!

4- When our children were young they thought that it was normal to spend every evening playing with other kids at various ball diamonds, since between Kim and I we played softball 5-6 nights a week.

5- We have celebrated our anniversary every year by going somewhere overnight together (except for our very first anniversary because BJ was just 2 weeks old!)
8- Kim is extremely into pumpkin carving and has gotten me hooked too! However, I will never be as fast nor as talented as he! One year the local newspaper even did an article on him!

9- We used to go dancing almost every weekend at bars – that is the only place that we could find to dance to County & Western music.
10- We once owned a bouncing, baby gelding named Jake. We are convinced that he thought he was a dog! Every time we went outside, Jake would come running over and prance just waiting for us to pet him. When I would pick raspberries, he would come right up behind me and hang his head over my shoulder.

9- We used to go dancing almost every weekend at bars – that is the only place that we could find to dance to County & Western music.
10- We once owned a bouncing, baby gelding named Jake. We are convinced that he thought he was a dog! Every time we went outside, Jake would come running over and prance just waiting for us to pet him. When I would pick raspberries, he would come right up behind me and hang his head over my shoulder.

11- For our anniversary one year I kidnapped Kim and took him to San Francisco to see Phantom of the Opera. He put up a good fight at first, but discovered that he loves Phantom!

12- For almost half of our married lives we owned a water bed. One night, after I had gone to sleep, Kim started watching “Grumpy Old Men” while relaxing in bed. He started laughing so hard that he caused the water in the bed to create waves big enough that it almost rolled me out! Needless to say, he watched the rest of the movie in the family room!

13- Kim started growing his moustache when he got off of the plane from his mission. There was only one time that I saw him without it: we dressed as half man, half woman for a Halloween party, and he shaved off half of the moustache. Of course he then had to shave off the rest for church the next morning! He started growing it back that day. For awhile Kim even grew it into a handlebar!

17- If we could travel anywhere in the world, both Kim and I would choose to see Australia.

18- We are fortunate to like many of the same things, movies, games, scuba diving, sports.

18- We are fortunate to like many of the same things, movies, games, scuba diving, sports.

19- We had a great time with our ski boat! It was so funny to see Kim water ski with nose plugs so that he wouldn’t get water in his nose!

20- One of our favorite memories is laying on a hammock together in Cayman Brac just before Hurricane Wilma.

20- One of our favorite memories is laying on a hammock together in Cayman Brac just before Hurricane Wilma.
21- Our first summer together, we took a backpacking trip to White Pine. We set up our tent in what seemed to be a good spot, however about 3:00 a.m. we realized that we were all wet! Apparently we had set up our tent in a low spot, and it rained all night. We had about 1” of water in the bottom of our tent! So, we got up and moved the tent and everything in it. After finally getting settled again, we were rudely awakened by the most awful sounds we had ever heard! We realized that there was a huge flock of sheep (I'm sure there was at least 2500) being moved right by our tent! They were not cute, they were not cuddley, and they were not welcome!!!! There was one who sounded as if he had a very bad belly ache, and his bleeting could be heard for miles around! Needless to say, at first daylight we packed up and hiked home!

22- During our engagement and for several years after we were married we would join our friends at the Young Adult dances. Usually sometime during the evening someone would yell, “1-2-3. JELLO!” and all of us would drop to the floor and start flopping and wriggling like Jello!

23- Another favorite memory of ours is walking along the sandy beach together in Monterrey California. We spent our 25th anniversary there.
24- Both Kim and I agree that our favorite place to go camping is in Box Elder Canyon! It is close enough that if you forget something, you can run home, but it feels like you are in a different world. For many years when Kim worked at Vulcraft, it was mandatory that he take vacation for a week over the 4th of July. We would pull a trailer up to the canyon and camp for that entire week.
25- While we were engaged, I would go over to Kim’s house almost every night and hang out with his family. Usually I would get tired long before anyone else, so Kim would throw me a blanket and I would lay on the floor with my feet on the heat vent. There I would fall asleep until about midnight when Kim would wake me up and take me home.
26- Kim and I both love winter. However, he loves it in the North with all of the cold and snow, and I love it in the South where it is warm and has lots of sun!

23- Another favorite memory of ours is walking along the sandy beach together in Monterrey California. We spent our 25th anniversary there.

24- Both Kim and I agree that our favorite place to go camping is in Box Elder Canyon! It is close enough that if you forget something, you can run home, but it feels like you are in a different world. For many years when Kim worked at Vulcraft, it was mandatory that he take vacation for a week over the 4th of July. We would pull a trailer up to the canyon and camp for that entire week.
25- While we were engaged, I would go over to Kim’s house almost every night and hang out with his family. Usually I would get tired long before anyone else, so Kim would throw me a blanket and I would lay on the floor with my feet on the heat vent. There I would fall asleep until about midnight when Kim would wake me up and take me home.
26- Kim and I both love winter. However, he loves it in the North with all of the cold and snow, and I love it in the South where it is warm and has lots of sun!

27- Kim and I are best friends. We love spending time together, even if we are not doing anything. I love that he is so goofy and makes me laugh.

He likes to laugh at me, even when I’m not trying to make him laugh – which gets us both laughing. We have a ton of fun together. I'm so glad that we are married!
JK...this was an awesome post and I learned even MORE about you! I didn't know Kim ever had curly hair! But of course I didn't know Tony Roma's closed either!
Go-go Grape?????? WOW! I wasn't even that brave! Love it!
So fun!
You guys are such a great couple!
I love how he always comes in to say hello and eats lunch with you.