Friday Football

Friday night Kim and I decided to revisit our days of youth and go to the Box Elder High School football game. It was good to visit the old Purple and White - it was amazing that I still knew the words to the "fight song" as well as the BEHS school song! Some things never change! Actually we went to the game to watch Mitch Parrish play. Even though he is a sophomore he gets quite a bit of playing time for the varsity team. We probably didn't pick the very best game to watch, however, as Skyview has an awesome team, an awesomely huge team, as in our team looked like they were running into a brick wall every time we tried to move the ball. Poor Mitch, I believe he had to run for his life several times!

Bryce Wilding is also on the team and so Dave and Jodi were there and Jazen and Jen showed up too, We had our own cheering section! It was tons of fun, but it would have been more fun if the game wasn't such a blowout. We lost 56-6!
After the game we went out to dinner at Center Street Grill. We talked, laughed, and joked until almost midnight. Our conversations ranged from handguns (Janzen & Mont), blogging (Jen, Jodi, Marilyn & I with Dave & Kim complaining) to the scary situation of hard drugs among the students at the high school. Basically we closed down the place - they even mopped the floor around us. It is so very great to have good friends!
See??? We should have taken a photo! Next time we will know that no matter what...everything IS blog worthy!!! Even IF the guys are complaining!!
That was sooo much fun! Let's do it again soon!
Great songs btw!