Blog Challenge #22: How have you changed the past 2 years?

How have you changed the past 2 years?

Career wise:  I left my job of 20 years at the Brigham City Women’s Center  and started a new career at Brigham City Hospital working as a postpartum and nursery nurse. 
Physically:  I have definitely become more plump and out of shape, my hair is longer

Educationally:  I achieved an RN associate’s degree and currently have only two classes to complete to finish a BSN (Bachelors of Science in nursing)

In my home:  I remodeled my kitchen with beautiful hickory cabinets and wood floor.

In my family:  Shandra bought a very nice condo, Kalel completed kindergarten, has become an accomplished swimmer, and has lost his first tooth.  Tasha and Zane got married and moved to San Diego.  My mother passed away and my father grew a Santa Claus beard has turned the entire house into a bicycle shop.  Kim’s father passed away.

   Other changes:  The Brigham City Temple was completed and dedicated.  One of my best friends got divorced, returned to school, and takes care of her father with severe dementia.  Another best friend lost her husband to a freak motorcycle accident. 

WOW!  Looking back I can’t believe how much has changed in just a short two years!  It is truly amazing!  Some of the changes are positive, many are not.  One thing I have learned is that change is inevitable.  If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies.  ~Author Unknown

If you're in a bad situation, don't worry it'll change.  If you're in a good situation, don't worry it'll change.  ~John A. Simone, Sr.


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