Blog Challenge #25: Someone who fascinates you and why

Someone who fascinates you and why

This topic has been very difficult for me, many people fascinate me in many different ways.   I think I have finally narrowed down the topic, not to one specific person but to a group of people. 

Because I was born with a serious gap where my creative gene should be, I am totally fascinated and enthralled with people who are creative, those who can see or hear or imagine something that the rest of us do not see and turn it into a work of art.  Included in that group are crafters, decorators, writers, as well as performers.

I see people take literal pieces of garbage or household items and turn them into wonderful additions to their homes - and I totally amazed!

One person who I have been particularly fascinated by recently is T.J. Davis.  
T.J. Davis
He is the creator and writer of a fantastic character named Juanito Bandito which plays at the Pickleville Playhouse at Bear Lake.  
El Bandito
Not only has he created the character he also composed all of the music and in addition he plays the part!  How can anyone be that talented?  I don’t have even one iota of understanding.  


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