A Fun July Day

What a fun, fun day! This morning we went to Ogden for a family reunion – the King family. My cousin, Jaye, is so good to put it on each year. I don’t remember all of the people very well, but it is so much fun to visit with my cousins Terri and Jaye. They were the closest ones to my age, in fact Terri is only 3 days older than me. Daniel and Rachelle Waters are visiting in Utah and they wanted to go through a session at the Salt Lake Temple, we had them drop little Mikayla off at the park and she stayed with us for the reunion. She and Kalel had a fun time playing together – and soon we had Terri’s grandson, Parker, join us as I taught them how to roll down a hill. Before too much time, we had several other children join us too – kids I didn’t know, but learned their names, Emilee, Skye, Halee, Quinlee, and Noah. We had a great time! Terri asked me, “what are you, the Primary President or something?” because the kids were following me around like the Piped Piper! It was fun.

After the reunion, we traveled home for some much needed naps for Kalel and for Myna. Mikayla didn’t want to take a nap, so I put on a couple of Disney movies and laid down on the couch with her. She watched and I napped!

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Mikayla is amazing! She is only 2 ½ and knows the names of the First Presidency better than I do. While we driving home she all the sudden asked me, “Grandpa Audrey (I’m not sure why I am Grandpa and not Grandma, but it is cute so we don’t correct her), how was your day?” I answered that I had had a very nice day and then she turned to Kim and said, “Grandpa Bob, how was your day?” She asked us as if she was an adult. It was hilarious.

Once we were all rested, we put two inches of water in Kalel’s pool and the Mikayla and Kalel splashed and played and had lots of fun. Mikayla must have thought that Kalel was dirty because she kept following him around and “washing” him with a ball soaked in water. Kalel didn’t seem to mind, in fact he even got into the pool with Mikayla there. Last time he screamed if we put him into the pool. He didn’t stay in there long, but at least he didn’t scream when we put him in.

When the Waters came home we went to Hunan for Chinese. By the time we were done poor little Mikayla and Kalel could hardly keep their eyes open. So we came back to the house, put them to bed, and then sat around and talked for awhile before playing some games. Of course, we started laughing – mostly at me because it was a bad night for keeping my words straight. In fact, I called Daniel first Mathew, and then later I called him Michael. Now why do you think I would do that? I’m pretty sure that my frazzled mind is getting more frayed by the moment!

We stayed up way too late, but enjoyed every minute of it. It is hard that we don’t get to see the Waters’ family very often, but we try to make the most of it when we do get to see them.


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