Food 4 Thought Friday
Feel free to play along for some yummy fun!

Midnight Snack: What is your favorite part of the Thanksgiving feast? I love the entire meal - turkey, stuffing, potatoes, rolls . . . ummm my mouth is watering just thinking about it! Oh - I guess I don't love all of it - I detest yams! Yuck! Recipe for this Week (instead of your recipe for life - what is it for just this week?) To be spiritually feed at the temple tonight and in Stake Conference this weekend.

Food 4 Thought Friday ~ (questions compliments of Jodi please check out her site!)
This week's questions
Breakfast: How do you usually spend Thanksgiving? Because my parents have been so sick for the past several years we have joined Kim's family in the celebrations. His family is so large that we hold our dinner in a church. They are so gracious and kind that they have invited my whole extended family to join with them. Thus, we have been able to feast with both families at the same time!
This year, however, my parents are doing well and my sister has invited us to celebrate at her house. We plan to pig out and then hang out and play games all day - of course Robin and I will sneak off for a couple of hours to plan our shopping strategies.
Lunch: What is the one thing you are most grateful for this year? Although my heart is overflowing with gratitude for many things, I think that I have to say the thing I am most grateful for right at this minute is my calling as Gospel Essentials teacher. I feel that since receiving this calling my life has been blessed in countless ways. Most importantly, I feel that my testimony of my Savior, as well as the truthfulness of the Gospel has grown immensely. I love learning the basic principles of Christ's Church and having the Spirit bear witness of their truths - and then sharing that testimony with my class. It is amazing!
Dinner: Do you usually shop on Black Friday or avoid it like the plague? SHOP, SHOP, SHOP!
My sister Robin and I spend several hours planning on Thanksgiving day so that we know exactly where we need to be at the right time to get what we need. We actually do ALL of our shopping on that day. After we are exhausted from shopping, we hit a movie, then dinner. We then go to a secret place and WRAP everything that day. It is an incredibly exhausting day, but one we look forward to each year. The best part for me? Because I am so exhausted by the time I get done, I forget what I have gotten, so I usually am totally SURPRISED by all of the gifts!

Midnight Snack: What is your favorite part of the Thanksgiving feast? I love the entire meal - turkey, stuffing, potatoes, rolls . . . ummm my mouth is watering just thinking about it! Oh - I guess I don't love all of it - I detest yams! Yuck!

PLEASE PLAY !!!! Come on you know you want to!
Be sure and stop by the other's blogs who played along too!!!
Be sure and stop by the other's blogs who played along too!!!
Thanks for playing! I loved ALL your answers! I am so glad you are loving teaching SS!
I didn't know you were a teacher in gospel essentials. Nice.
I am with you on the yams. They should be banned.
Maybe I'll see you shopping on Friday. That's a FUN day!