Food 4 Thought Friday

How did you ring in the New Year this year?
We gathered up the whole fam and went to my friend, Cyn's house. We played games all afternoon, evening, and into the wee hours of hours of the morning. I think we wrapped up about 3:00 a.m. We stumbled off to bed and then got up for a few more games before heading home. We had way too much fun, ate too many goodies, and had a wonderful time!
How did you spend the first day of the New Year 2009?
After a great breakfast, we played a few more games and then we drove home and tried to recover for most of the day. I went into work for a few hours in the evening.
Do you set New Year Resolutions?
I haven't sat down and written any resolutions down. Lately I have just been trying to make a more concerted effort to do a little better every day, and I'm trying to journal any progress I make.
Midnight Snack
What are your expectations for 2009?
I just want all of the people I love to find joy and happiness this year.
PLEASE PLAY !!!! Come on you know you want to!