I am an avid reader. I devour books, especially LDS novels that have good messages intertwined with the story line. As I read, I usually allow myself enough time to read one or two chapters, and I make a promise to myself that I will stop at the end of a chapter. However, most of the time I find it very difficult to stop at the end of the chapter. Granted, chapter’s end usually is a natural spot to take a break in the story, but most times there is just enough of a cliffhanger or a tease to tempt you to start into the next chapter.
That is how I feel about my life right now. One year ago I started attending USU Brigham Campus. I had no idea at the time how the campus would take over my life during the next 12 months. I went from barely knowing the campus existed to having an intimate acquaintance with the lobby, the bookstore, the computer and science labs not to mention the classrooms. I have become friends with the counselors, the facilitators, the bookstore clerks, and the other students. For the last 52 weeks, I have spent more time at school than I have at home.
So, now I am at the end of the USU chapter. I have immersed myself in that chapter, and it has been great. I’m sad to be at the end of this chapter, it’s time to put the book down for a bit. I will miss so many aspects of the campus – but at the same time I am looking forward to a new and exciting chapter to begin. There will be many changes in the pages ahead, and I’m excited, yet a little fearful to begin this chapter.
Here are some fun memories of Utah State

That is how I feel about my life right now. One year ago I started attending USU Brigham Campus. I had no idea at the time how the campus would take over my life during the next 12 months. I went from barely knowing the campus existed to having an intimate acquaintance with the lobby, the bookstore, the computer and science labs not to mention the classrooms. I have become friends with the counselors, the facilitators, the bookstore clerks, and the other students. For the last 52 weeks, I have spent more time at school than I have at home.
So, now I am at the end of the USU chapter. I have immersed myself in that chapter, and it has been great. I’m sad to be at the end of this chapter, it’s time to put the book down for a bit. I will miss so many aspects of the campus – but at the same time I am looking forward to a new and exciting chapter to begin. There will be many changes in the pages ahead, and I’m excited, yet a little fearful to begin this chapter.
Here are some fun memories of Utah State
Shandie, my Microbiology lab partner and one of the only reasons
I survived Lab!

Some of my Chemistry class, Micky, Diane, Laura, and
the Prof. Scott

Angie and Stephanie - my Taco Time buddies!