August Challenge Day 20: the meaning behind your blog name - Bubba's first day of first grade

My blog name:  Thoughts From a Frazzled Mind just seems to fit!  Here is the explanation as stated on my very first post: 


Why, I'm sure you are wondering, did I come up with the title, "Thoughts from a Frazzled Mind". Here's the scoop, it seems that as time progresses my ability to speak becomes more and more difficult. Apparently my mind is so very frazzled that the English language becomes a pile of mush in my brain, and the words that come out either do not apply to the sentence I was trying to speak or the words are totally nonsensical. Would you like a small sample of my faux paus? As I share this, I'll admit that I have a great sense of humor, even when the laughter is directed at me.

"We need to stop at the store to buy some pianos." (Now, I didn't really need pianos, I was hoping to buy cereal.)
"If you don't do your dishes, you will be naked." (A problem that all of us face, right? I said this to BJ as he was packing to go to Snow College)
"With your new job you will have to work fuhundays" (What exactly is a fuhunday? A holiday of course!)
Unfortunately my frazzled mind does not only influence my speech. I quite often walk into a room and then promptly forget the reason for being there. I forget names, birthdays, and fuhundays.
I have children who, since their birth, have frequently interrupted me when I am trying to accomplish anything. I have a job in which the interruptions interrupt the interruptions. Consequently my mind has to multi-task at all times resulting in a frazzled mess.
Thus the title, Thoughts from a Frazzled Mind.”


That first post created over five years ago, still describes me to a tee!  However, it is even worse now because I have added school to the mix! 

I am so grateful that I have been blessed with the ability to laugh at myself.  Not only do I frequently amuse myself, it saves me from getting embarrassed, depressed, or bored!  I’m sure that there are people out there who would hide in humiliation and shame from all of the embarrassing things I do.  Not me!  I choose to use my errors to give everyone the opportunity to laugh – for we all know that laughter is the best medicine!

Today my little Bubba started first grade, where did the time go? 
 Although it seems as though he has always been here to brighten my life, it still seems like he should be a little toddler.  For some reason he just keeps growing up and getting older!  I love him so much and can't imagine life without him.  
Last week in swimming lessons he learned how to do the butterfly stroke!  That is amazing to me!  Only 6 years old!

Recently he has been trying to talk his mother into dying his hair.  My guess is that he sees his mother dye hers so often that he wanted to be like her!  She finally gave in and last night bleached his hair.
Pretty darn HANDSOME if you ask me!


Jodi said…
Thanks for the laugh again today! I just get the biggest kick out of the stuff that comes out of your mouth! So glad you write them down so the rest of us can laugh!!!!

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