Teaching Relief Society

I had the great opportunity of teaching a Relief Society Enrichment Meeting this week.  The topic was  "Getting Negativity Out of Your Marriage"

It was good to study techniques to help keep positiveness in marriage - especially things that I could work on myself.  And it was fun to share these things with my Relief Society sisters.

When I was first preparing my lesson I asked Kim his advice - and since he always considers himself to be the negative one in our marriage he jokingly suggested that I take a picture of the two of us, rip him out of the picture, and throw his part away.  Well, I know that would NOT be the best way to improve our marriage - but I decided that it would be a great attention-getter for the class.  And, it was.  there were tons of gasps and groans when I ripped up our wedding picture (of course it was just a copy I had printed!)

I talked about several things, among them were found on a website entitled:  to love honor and vaccum

7 Thoughts that Will Change Your Marriage

  • Remember that God is your father-in-law.  I know that I am a child of God - but so is my husband, and when He asks me how I treated His son I hope that I can report positively.
  • If you win the battle you don't win the war.  In every fight there is a winner - and there is a loser.  Do I want the one I love to be a loser?

I can't change him, I can only change me.
Marriage comes before kids.
I can determine my thoughts - and I can choose to think positively about my husband

I learned a lot from this opportunity.  Hopefully the sisters did too.


Jodi said…
Thank you for teaching this! I really learned a lot and it gave me so much to think about! You did a great job! It did freak me out when you tore up that picture thougH!

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