Shandra's Birthday
Happy, Happy Birthday to Shandra! She is 23 years old today - I think she is really only 21, but she keeps insisting that she is 23. I'm not sure how she could have gotten this old already! 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANDRA! Thanks for a great day!

To celebrate her birthday she took the day off work and told me that she wanted to spend the entire day with me - I was feeling very honored that she wanted to share her special day with her mom until I asked her what she wanted to do all day. She then sprung it on me, she wanted to spend the day at our friend, Cynthia's house! I'm pretty sure that she was just using me as an excuse when all along she wanted to spend the day with Cynthia, not me! And who could blame her? Cyn is the greatest! If you ever want to spend hours and hours eating food, playing games, and laughing then Cyn's house is the place to be! In addition to being the funnest gal around, Cyn is a superwoman. Right now she spends her days babysitting her three granddaughters ages 9 months, 12 months, and 3 1/2 every day. In additions to rocking, bouncing, and playing with two babies and a preschooler, she also manages to cook fantastic meals and desserts and keep an amazingly organized home.

Shandra and I kidnapped Cyn when the moms came for their children and we went shopping at Tai Pan. Too much fun!

We love Cyn and her family. We always have a terrific time there!
After dinner we started playing games, and just got silly. I was pleasantly suprised when everyone caught a case of "Audreyisms". It was most comical to hear Sheryce, Cyn, and especially Tanissa mix up almost as many words as I did. Perhaps my illness is contagious????? Of course, Shandra just laughed at us and got out a pencil and paper to write everything down for her next post!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANDRA! Thanks for a great day!
Thank you so mucy for your kind words on my blog about the calling! It really meant a lot coming from you! I needed that! I will really really really miss everyone so much! Right now it's just me, Jenny H. and Kristy left that were in before! Waa-waa!!! But it will all be good and we will have another good group of women!
Thanks again!