Shandra's Stories

So it’s me again… and just to clear the air and in my defense, my mother was over my shoulder telling me I had to hurry and get the last post up and going, so forgive my fingers. They were under pressure and they don’t work well under pressure! I will try to be better with less typos this time!

Well to start off do you guys think my mom has babies on the brain? The other day she told me she forgot to take her diapers... instead of pills! I wonder…where would she be taking them? And I heard rumor that when she was at girl's camp she asked someone if they needed to blow up their diaper bag instead of air mattress (thanks for the tip, ladies).

And yesterday she told me I had to put all the condiments in the garbage. Well, I think that might be a waste of a lot of ketchup, mustard, and pickles, but mother knows best I guess!

You would never know it just by looking at her that she is capable of such interesting mistakes would you? But the list does go on and on!

Now I don’t know if you have ever heard her try to rhyme. If you have I am sorry and if you haven’t then count your blessings! She does turn heads though, not only because of the elaborate words she uses or the lovely tune, but also for her ability to stop right before she rhymes with a not so good word! I would tell a little more but just about everybody’s eyes reading this are too young for most of them!

In with the rhyming is the singing! She will take anything you say and turn it into a song! And usually not a very good one at that… making up her own tune and words, they do get kind of ridiculous at times and we always have to remind her “that was not a song queue” but even with that it never quite sinks in! My only warning is be careful what you say around her because she can break into song at a moment's notice! But if it is Thursday, then you are just out of luck because that’s the one day a week… well that and all of December and only October 1st (still haven’t quite figured why that one yet) that she gets to sing to her little heart’s desire without anyone standing in her way… but then again, like we don’t try!!!

Hey did you guys all know at my house we use "flap-tops" not "laptops"! well I guess that the tops kind of flap right?


Doran & Jody said…
What's wrong with kids now a days. My kids have a fit everytime I break out into song when they say something too. But you probably know more words....sounds like I need to get with you in October.
Jen said…
Oh I love these stories! Keep them coming! I haven't heard the rhyming thing yet and though there's a warning there...I think I need to hear it for myself! And Audrey, thanks for your comment. I just had a day yesterday. I'm good now. Just needed a bit more diet coke in me.
Jodi said…
These are great!!! Never a dull moment it sounds like!

How did the race go??? I heard it went pretty well and that you did awesome! Waiting for that post!

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