Quirky Tag
Thanks to Jodi, I have officially been tagged and am now required to spill my guts about my "quirks"!
The Rules:
*Link the Person who Tagged you.
*Mention rules on your blog.
*Tell about 6 quirks of yours.
*Tag fellow bloggers to do the same.
*Leave a comment to let them know.
My Quirks:
1- I am OCD about my breakfast! First of all I usually eat the same thing every morning for years on end. Right now it is oatmeal. I will occasionally change flavors, but I feel deprived if I don't have some form of oatmeal. Also, breakfast is my alone time. That is when I read, usually scriptures, a novel I can't put down, or study for my lesson. I get extremely testy if people try to talk to me during this time! My kids have learned (from experience) that if they want a positive answer to any question, they do NOT ask me during breakfast!

2- I love to sing, especially on Thursdays! It really doesn't matter if I know the words or music to a song, in fact it doesn't even have to be a song at all. Quite often I hear a sentence or see a sign and that makes me think of singing so I will repeat the words Opera style. Unfortunately for my children, they spend many hours a day reminding me, "that is not a song cue, mom" or "mom, it is not Thursday"!

3- I have a mild foot fetish. No matter where I go, I find myself looking at people's feet. I am envious of people who have long slender toes and look beautiful in sandals with toe rings.

4- There is rarely a time when I do not have a camera, in fact Kim says that the only place I don't take a camera is the bathroom and to bed at night. In my defense, I feel that in order to preserve my self-proclaimed "Scrapping Queen" title I have to have a camera ready at all times. You never know when there is going to be a photo op!

5- I like to have the TV on at night, it helps me relax and fall asleep. Several years ago we bought a TV with a sleep timer and I was immediately hooked! Usually I can turn on the TV and be asleep within seconds. Unfortunately, Kim can't sleep without seeing the end of a show - even if he has seen it hundreds of times. It's a good thing that he needs less sleep than me!

6- I hate to "waste time" putting on my make-up and doing my hair each day. I just dread it! But even worse is the fear that someone may see me au natural and run off shreiking in fright. So, I accomplish the dreaded task just as soon as I can in the morning, and to help ease the pain of wasting time, I read the entire time that I am doing my hair. I have my own private library (aka my niece, Mickel) who keeps me well supplied in books so that I never have to (shudder at the thought) dry my hair without multi-tasking.
I tag Jody, Chelsea, Christy, Tasha, and Shandra!
Great Quirks! Glad you played!!!!